Supplement Articles


Best Supplements For AFL Football - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Brandon Verde

Best Supplements For AFL Football

Footy season is here, and every player knows it's a game of inches. When it comes to improving your performance and speeding up recovery, the right supplements can give you that edge. Let’s dive into our top picks for AFL football, with a key focus on aiding recovery and boosting performance. Protein Power for Recovery After those gruelling 2-hour games and intense training sessions, your muscles need the right fuel to recover. A good quality protein powder is your go-to solution here. It helps repair muscle tissue and supports muscle growth, ensuring you're able to back it up next week. Carb Up For Endurance Sustained energy is key during games and long pre-season sessions. Incorporating carbohydrates in the form of a carb powder or energy gel during your quarter or half time breaks will provide your body with the fuel it needs to sustain energy levels, helping you stay at the top of your game throughout. Pre-Game Boost With Caffeine & Beta Alanine Before walking onto the ground, a smart pre-game supplement can give you that extra edge. Look for a pre-workout blend that includes a moderate amount of caffeine for energy and improved reaction time. Beta Alanine is another must-have ingredient as it boosts endurance by buffering lactic acid, helping you run out the game strong. Explosive Power With Creatine To amp up your explosiveness on the field, creatine is your secret weapon. It enhances your ability to sprint, jump, and fend off like Dusty Martin, making you a better player overall. Adding creatine to your supplementation can significantly boost your performance across all aspects of your game. Supplementing smartly can significantly impact your performance and recovery as a footy player. Add these supplements into your pre, intra and post-game routine, and watch yourself rise to new heights on the field.

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Collagen Peptides vs. Whey Protein: Which Is Right for You? - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Vince Lawrence

Collagen Peptides vs. Whey Protein: Which Is Right for You?

When it comes to fitness, you’re all about making the right choices for your body. And a significant part of your journey is deciding what protein sources work best for you. You’ve probably heard of the two main contenders in the protein world: collagen peptides and whey protein. So, let’s break it down! Collagen Peptides: The Body’s Builder Collagen peptides are like the unsung heroes of the protein world. They’re the most abundant protein in your body, making up your skin, tendons, ligaments, and more. Collagen is like the glue holding your body together – quite literally. What makes collagen unique is its rich content of amino acids like glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These amino acids are essential for your skin’s elasticity and keeping your joints limber. Collagen is the protein behind that youthful glow and flexibility. Now, let’s chat about whey protein. Whey Protein: The Gym Rat’s Bestie Whey protein is like the life of the fitness party. It’s derived from milk, and it’s a complete protein packed with essential amino acids. This protein is your go-to for muscle building and post-workout recovery. If you’re hitting the gym hard and want to add lean muscle tissue, whey protein is your best friend. It’s quickly absorbed by your body, making it perfect for that post-workout shake. It contains a hearty dose of leucine, the amino acid responsible for muscle growth. So, which one is right for you? Well, it depends on your fitness goals and what your body needs. Choosing Between Collagen and Whey: The Lowdown If your primary fitness focus is joint health, skin radiance, and overall well-being, then collagen peptides are your match made in protein heaven. Collagen is the gentle giant that supports your body from within, offering benefits that go beyond muscle growth. On the flip side, if you’re an exercise junkie looking to build muscle and enhance your athletic performance, whey protein is your golden ticket. It’s like a turbo boost for your workouts and muscle recovery. However, here’s a tip: you don’t have to choose just one. You can have both! Collagen and whey protein can complement each other, offering a well-rounded approach to your fitness routine. Blending the Best of Both Worlds You can easily blend collagen peptides and whey protein to create a dynamic duo. Whip up a post-workout shake with whey protein to support muscle growth and add a scoop of collagen to give your skin, hair, and joints some love. The best part? They’re both versatile. The unflavoured version of Collagen is tasteless and easily dissolves in your favorite beverages, while whey protein usually comes in various delicious flavours. Mixing and matching is the name of the game here. Remember, your fitness journey is unique, and your protein choices should reflect your personal goals. Whether it’s collagen, whey, or a combination of both, you’re in control of your protein palooza! The Benefits of Collagen Peptides for Fitness: Your Secret Weapon You, the fitness enthusiast, are always on the lookout for that edge to boost your workouts and recovery. Well, look no further – let’s dive into the incredible world of collagen peptides! Stronger Together: Collagen and Muscles Have you ever wondered how collagen and muscles are connected? Collagen is like the scaffolding that holds your muscles together. It’s the glue that provides structure and support. When you work out, you put stress on your muscles, and collagen helps repair and rebuild them. Adding collagen peptides to your routine can aid in muscle recovery. It provides amino acids needed to repair and regenerate muscle tissue. So, whether you’re lifting weights, running, or doing yoga, collagen has your back (or should we say biceps?). Flexibility and Joint Health Fitness isn’t just about muscles; it’s about flexibility too. After all, you want to be able to touch your toes, right? Collagen is the superhero that supports your joints. It makes up your cartilage, which cushions your joints and allows them to move smoothly. Over time, as we age or put our bodies through rigorous workouts, our joints may feel a little creaky. Collagen helps maintain joint health by reducing stiffness and discomfort. So, say goodbye to those post-workout aches and hello to fluid, pain-free movements. Gut Check: Collagen Peptides for Digestive Health You might be surprised to learn that your gut health plays a role in your fitness journey. After all, a happy tummy means better absorption of nutrients, and that’s vital for your workouts. Collagen peptides are gentle on your stomach and support a healthy gut lining. Collagen can help with a condition known as leaky gut, where the intestinal barrier becomes compromised. By supporting the gut lining, collagen can reduce inflammation and improve nutrient absorption, giving you more energy and a healthier digestive system. Radiant Skin and Beauty Boost Let’s face it; we all love those post-workout rosy cheeks. Collagen contributes to that youthful glow you get after a good sweat session. Collagen is an essential component of your skin, providing structure and elasticity. Including collagen in your fitness routine can promote skin health. It helps reduce the signs of aging by maintaining skin elasticity and hydration. So, not only will you feel great, but you’ll look great too! Post-Workout Bliss: Collagen Peptides Recovery Ah, the post-workout moment – when you’re tired but satisfied. Collagen is here to make it even better. Collagen peptides are easily digestible and quickly absorbed, making them an ideal choice for post-workout recovery. After a workout, your body craves nutrients to repair and grow muscles. Collagen is packed with amino acids like glycine and proline, which are crucial for muscle recovery. So, if you want to bounce back faster, consider adding collagen to your routine. A Balanced Approach: Combining Collagen Peptides with Your Fitness Regimen Now that you know all about the amazing benefits of collagen peptides for fitness, you might be wondering how to incorporate it into your routine. The great news is that it’s incredibly versatile and easy to use. You can mix collagen powder into your post-workout shake, stir it into your morning coffee, or even bake it into your favourite protein bars. There are numerous collagen recipes to explore, allowing you to enjoy the perks of this protein while delighting your taste buds. Remember, fitness isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey, and neither is your approach to collagen. Tailor your usage based on your fitness goals. Whether you’re a gym junkie, yoga guru, or a cardio enthusiast, collagen can be your fitness sidekick, supporting your muscles, joints, gut, and skin. Whey Protein’s Role in Muscle Building: Your Ticket to Gainsville It’s time to explore the whey protein wonderland and discover its magical role in muscle building! Protein Power: Fuelling Your Muscles Picture this: Your muscles are like little hungry monsters, and they need protein to grow and thrive. Whey protein is like their favourite treat. It’s a complete protein, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids your muscles crave. When you workout, you create tiny tears in your muscle fibres. Whey protein swoops in as the superhero repair crew, providing the amino acids your muscles need to rebuild stronger and bigger. So, by adding whey to your diet, you’re giving your muscles the power to bulk up. Leucine: The Muscle’s MVP Here’s where things get fascinating – leucine. Leucine is one of the essential amino acids in whey protein that’s responsible for muscle growth. It’s like the captain of the muscle-building team, signalling your body to start the repair and growth process. Whey protein is rich in leucine, compared to collagen protein, making it the superior choice for muscle building. So, when you’re sipping on that post-workout whey shake, you’re essentially handing your muscles the keys to the growth kingdom. Fast and Furious: Whey Protein’s Quick Absorption Imagine you’re at a buffet, and you’re hungry. Do you want to wait hours for your food, or do you want it served to you ASAP? Your muscles prefer the latter, and that’s where whey protein shines. Whey protein is known for its rapid absorption. After a gruelling workout, your body is in prime muscle-repair mode, and it needs the necessary nutrients pronto. Whey protein provides your muscles with the amino acids they need quickly, making it perfect for your post-workout fuel-up. Bulking Up: Whey Protein and Weight Management You might be thinking, “But won’t adding more protein to my diet make me gain weight?” Well, not necessarily. Whey protein can be your trusty sidekick in weight management too. Protein has a satisfying effect, which means it keeps you feeling full and satisfied. By including whey protein in your diet, you can curb those mid-afternoon cravings, helping you stay on track with your fitness and nutrition goals. Moreover, when you’re building muscle with whey protein, you’re increasing your lean muscle mass. Muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain than fat, so your body burns more calories, even at rest. That’s a win-win for those looking to shed some extra kilos. Your Whey Protein Game Plan Now, let’s talk about how you can put this muscle-building marvel to work in your fitness journey. Whey protein is incredibly versatile and can be integrated into your daily routine in various ways. Shake It Up: One of the simplest and most popular ways is to create a delicious post-workout shake. All you need is some whey protein powder, your favourite liquid (water, milk, or plant-based alternatives), and a shaker. Mix it up, and you’ve got yourself a muscle-boosting shake. Cook and Bake: Whey protein isn’t just for shakes; it can be used in cooking and baking too. Add it to your morning protein oats, mix it into pancake batter, or create protein-packed energy bars. Get creative in the kitchen, and you’ll never get bored. Snack Attack: You can also find ready-made protein snacks that contain whey protein. These are perfect for those on-the-go moments when you need a quick protein boost. The Bottom Line: Whey for the Win In a nutshell, whey protein is your trusted companion on your quest for muscle gains. It provides the essential amino acids your muscles need to grow and repair, with leucine as the muscle’s MVP. Whey protein’s quick absorption makes it an ideal post-workout choice, and it can also help with weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness and boosting metabolism. So… Collagen Peptides Or Whey Protein? So, you’ve heard all about the fantastic benefits of collagen peptides and whey protein for your fitness journey. Now, it’s time to choose your perfect protein partner, and we’re here to help you find “the one.” In your quest to find your perfect protein partner, remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Collagen peptides and whey protein each have their unique benefits, flavours, and suitability for specific dietary preferences. Your fitness journey is a personal one, and your choice of protein should align with your goals, taste preferences, dietary restrictions, and budget. Don’t be afraid to try both and see which one makes you feel your best. Whether you’re fuelling your muscles with the rapid absorption of whey protein or embracing a holistic approach to wellness with collagen peptides, know that you have a trusted partner on your fitness journey. So, take your time, experiment, and find the perfect protein companion that keeps you energised, motivated, and ready to conquer your fitness goals!

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Improving Your Sleep Quality: The Ultimate Investment With The Highest Return And Lowest Effort Required - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Brandon Verde

Improving Your Sleep Quality: The Ultimate Investment With The Highest Return And Lowest Effort Required

In today's fast-paced world, sleep often takes a backseat to our busy schedules. Yet, it's one of the most vital aspects of our health and well-being. Quality sleep not only rejuvenates the body but also enhances cognitive function, mood, and overall productivity. If you're looking to improve the quality of your life without breaking a sweat, investing in improving your sleep quality could be the ultimate game-changer. Here are some easy-to-implement tips to transform your nights and reap the benefits of deep, restorative sleep. Cut Out Screens Say goodbye to screens at least one hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted from electronic devices messes with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, making it harder to fall asleep. Consider creating a screen-free zone and opt for activities like reading, journalling, or relaxation techniques to wind down instead. If you can't avoid screens entirely, utilise blue light filters or wear blue light-blocking glasses to mitigate their impact on your sleep quality. Dreamy Bedroom Transform your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary by focusing on three key elements: temperature, darkness, and silence. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet to optimise sleep conditions. Invest in blackout curtains or use an eye mask to block out unwanted light and use white noise machines or earplugs to drown out noise disturbances. Aim for a room temperature of around 18 degrees Celsius, as cooler temperatures are conducive to better sleep. Stay Active Regular exercise is not only beneficial for your physical health but also plays a significant role in improving sleep quality. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week, but try to avoid vigorous workouts close to bedtime, as they can be stimulating and interfere with your ability to wind down. Don't Eat Too Late Be mindful of your pre-sleep diet to avoid discomfort and disruptions to your sleep. Avoid consuming large meals or heavy, spicy foods late at night, as they can lead to indigestion and discomfort. Additionally, limit your alcohol intake before bedtime, as it may initially make you feel drowsy but can disrupt your sleep cycle later in the night. Supplement Support Consider incorporating sleep-supporting supplements into your routine to enhance sleep quality naturally. Look for supplements containing ingredients like magnesium, ashwagandha, and glycine, known for their calming and sleep-promoting properties. However, always consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your regimen. By implementing these simple yet effective strategies, you can revolutionise your sleep quality and unlock a myriad of benefits for your overall health and well-being. Remember, investing in quality sleep is one of the most valuable investments you can make for yourself, requiring minimal effort but offering priceless rewards in return.

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Making Magnesium Choices: A Guide - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Vince Lawrence

Making Magnesium Choices: A Guide

Magnesium is a rockstar mineral that can do wonders for your body. It’s essential for muscle function, heart health, bone health, and more. It also plays a critical role in regulating nerve and muscle function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. There are many different types of magnesium supplements available to cater to different needs. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the most popular types of magnesium supplements and their unique benefits. Magnesium Glycinate: Your Ticket to a Good Night’s Sleep One of the most popular types of magnesium supplements is magnesium glycinate. It’s a combination of magnesium and glycine, an amino acid that’s linked to deep and restorative sleep. Research shows that magnesium glycinate may help promote relaxation, making it an excellent choice for those who struggle with getting a good night’s rest. Magnesium Citrate: Your Bowel Movement Aid Magnesium citrate is another popular form of magnesium that has high bioavailability. It’s commonly used to address low levels of magnesium and can help regulate bowel movement. However, it should be noted that high doses of all magnesium supplements can have a stimulant effect on the gut, but individual responses vary from person to person. Magnesium Chloride: Your All-Around Magnesium Supplement Magnesium chloride is a good all-around magnesium supplement that can replenish your magnesium levels if they’re low. It can aid in lowering stress levels, with some people also using it topically in lotion form to soothe sore muscles. Magnesium L-Threonate: Your Brain Health Supplement One of the most absorbable forms of magnesium is magnesium L-threonate. There’s also some research suggesting that by elevating magnesium levels in the brain, it can be used for brain health and improved cognitive function, but more research is needed to confirm this. Magnesium Oxide: Your Digestive Supplement Magnesium oxide is a common form of magnesium supplement but has relatively lower absorption compared to other forms. However, it’s still useful at higher doses to help pull fluid into the intestines and reduce stomach acid. Magnesium Malate: Your Muscle Soreness Relief Magnesium malate is easier to digest than some other forms of magnesium and can help regulate digestion. It’s also used to help with muscle soreness, blood sugar regulation and supports heart health. Magnesium Lactate: Your Nutritional Therapy Aid Magnesium lactate is commonly used as a food additive to reduce acidity in food formulations. It’s also well-absorbed by the body and may be used by individuals with specific medical nutrition therapy needs who require large doses of magnesium. Magnesium Sulfate: Your Epsom Salt Solution Magnesium sulfate, also known as Epsom salt, is the most potent form of magnesium when it comes to encouraging bowel movements. It’s often used in baths to help relieve sore muscles. In conclusion, there are many different types of magnesium supplements available, and each has unique benefits and drawbacks. If you are looking to supplement with magnesium, review each type above to see which one might help suit your needs the best!

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New Year's Resolution Guide - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Brandon Verde

New Year's Resolution Guide

New Year, New Me… something along those lines, right? While New Year’s Resolutions are a step in the right direction, often they lack the specificity and strategy to go from resolution to reality. Fortunately, we’ve got the perfect tool to help… introducing our New Year’s Fitness Resolution Guide! If taking your fitness to the next level is one of your new year resolutions, let us help you turn that resolution into a solid goal (or 2) and turn that goal into an accomplishment that you can look back on at the end of the year and be super proud of! The first, and arguably most important step in turning your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions into reality, is to make sure you’re setting goals that are set-up to be achieved. Here’s a simple 5 step goal setting strategy to make it happen! Step 1: Revisit (or define if you haven't already) your "Why". Why are you setting a fitness goal in the first place? Why are you motivated to improve your health & fitness? For most of us this is going to involve the people we care about and the positive impact we can have on them. Step 2: Determine what you want to achieve with your fitness. Be bold. Be ambitious. But be concise too. Keep it to 1 or 2 major fitness goals for the year. Step 3: Break down your bold & ambitious fitness goals into S.M.A.R.T. goals; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time Bound.  Specific: Each goal needs to be specific enough to describe exactly what you want to achieve. Try and quantify your goal if possible (for example, I want to weigh XX kg, or I want to be able to bench press XX kg)  Measurable: Each goal needs to be quantifiable and measurable. If it’s not measurable and specific, you’ll never know what you’re aiming for and whether or not you have achieved it. Achievable: Each goal needs to be attainable & realistically achievable based on your current circumstances and resources. There is no point setting a goal so far-fetched that you know right from the start that you won’t be able to achieve it. Relevant: Your goal needs to be relevant & important to you. You need to have a desire and passion to achieve your goal for it to be relevant to you as an individual. This ties back into your “Why”. Ask yourself why setting a particular goal is important to you in the first place to ensure it is relevant. Time Bound: A goal without a deadline is not a goal at all, it is a dream. You need to carefully pick a realistic time frame for you to work towards achieving each fitness goal. Step 4: Create a daily accountability calendar. Buy yourself a daily diary and write down 3 specific actionable tasks that are within your realm of control (but outside of your comfort zone or habitual routines) that elate to your S.M.A.R.T. goals at the start of every single day. Perhaps they might be: Workout With Weights For 60 Minutes Consume Daily Macros  Drink 2L Water As you complete the tasks throughout the day, cross them off the list. Try and get every single task done every single day. Win the day. Stack those days to win the week. Stack those weeks to win the month. Stack those months to win the year. Step 5: Reflect on your progress. Self-reflection is one of the best techniques you can implement to maintain accountability, keep yourself motivated, and keep yourself on track. It is something you will get a lot of value out of doing on a weekly basis. Find 5 - 10 minutes that you can commit to at the start (or end) of every week to go through the past 7 days and reflect on your efforts using the following checklist: If you are not scoring either an 8, 9 or 10 across every part of this checklist you need to ask yourself why, and more importantly, what are you going to change in the coming week to score 8 or higher? Want more strategic advice on how to set goals that are set-up to be achieved? Check out this episode of the Fitness x Business Podcast “5 Step New Year Goal Setting Methodology” at the link below: It’s one thing to set goals, it’s a-whole-nother thing to reset daily habits & routines to ensure they align with your goals. But here’s the catch with bad habits; you can’t just stop them. They need to be replaced with new habits that align with your new goals. Here’s 3 new habits that you’ll want to incorporate into your daily routine: Replace eating when you’re hungry and eating until you’re full with tracking your daily food intake. Free apps like My Fitness Pal or CalorieKing are super easy to use and a great way to track your daily food intake. Replace ignoring your progress (or lack thereof) with taking a progress photo every morning.  You may want to weigh yourself every morning instead if you prefer numbers over photos. The key is to make sure you are tracking your progress daily.   Replace being chronically dehydrated with drinking 2 litres of water every day. Get yourself an MJ Bro Jug, fill it up at the start of every day and make sure it’s empty by the end. Want more strategic advice on how to replace old bad habits with new good ones? Check out this episode of the Fitness x Business Podcast “5 New Habits For The New Year” at the link below: When it comes to achieving your fitness goals, nutrition plays a vital role. You can do all the workouts and cardio in the world, if your nutrition is not aligned with your goals, you simply won’t be able to achieve them. That’s why we created our Free Nutrition Plan. Simply input your gender, age, height, current weight, activity level and primary goal into the Caloric Intake Calculator and you will be provided with how many calories and macronutrients to consume throughout the day to get results from your workouts as quickly as possible. And because a structured meal plan is essential for keeping on track, you will also receive a personalized daily meal plan based on your caloric intake, broken down meal by meal for 7 separate meals. Plus your meal plan is printer friendly, so you can print it out, take it with you, stick it on your fridge at home or at work, keep it in your gym bag... the choice is yours. Give our Free Nutrition Plan a go at the link below. A well structured workout plan tailored to your lifestyle is an absolute necessity for achieving your fitness goals.  Which is why we created our Free Workout Plan.  Simply select your goal, your gender, and your training experience and we will provide you with a structured workout program designed to help you reach your fitness goals. And because we know that a structured workout program is only part of the holistic fitness equation, we will also provide you with a guide on cardio and how to track your progress to ensure you stay on track. Give our Free Workout Plan a go at the link below.       Your goals are set, your habits are aligned, your nutrition is on point and your workouts are sorted. The final piece of the puzzle… you guessed it, supplementation. The fact is, proper supplementation can not only help you achieve your fitness goals faster, but also make your fitness journey a whole lot more enjoyable! But supplements can be confusing… there are so many options available, so many different powders, pills & potions – how do you know where to start? And if you’re an experienced supplement user, how do you keep up to date with the latest & greatest? Introducing our Free Supplement Plan! Simply select your gender, your age range, and your primary goal and we will provide you with the 6 supplements that should be right at the top of your shopping list. Give our Free Supplement Plan a go at the link below.     Falling off track is common, after all, we are only human. What is most important is not dwelling on what you did to fall off track, but instead identifying where you lost your way, what you can do differently to ensure it doesn’t happen again, and focusing on how quickly you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back into the swing of things.  Say you don’t go to the gym for a day because you were too tired, then the next day something happens at work and you have to stay late… another session missed. There is no point dwelling on the fact you missed two workouts, tomorrow is a new day, and a new opportunity to get yourself back on track and working towards your goals. Say you’ve snoozed your alarm to wake up for morning cardio for the past 5 days and haven’t done any of your cardio because you’ve been too exhausted to get up. You clearly need your rest as it is an important factor for progress so perhaps aim to get to sleep earlier so that you can get sufficient sleep and are still able to wake up early enough for morning cardio. Perhaps it’s late, you’re tired, you’re all out of prepared meals and you can’t be bothered cooking something up, so you head to the pantry or the fridge. Next morning you wake up after passing out from a food coma only to realise that last night you consumed your entire day of calories in 30 minutes and all the food you ate was just different shades of brown (chips, chocolate, ice cream & biscuits) with no recollection of how it all happened. It’s OK… it happens to the best of us from time to time. The most important thing to realise is that there is nothing you can do to go back and change it, and the best thing you can do is move on. Don’t cut your calories for the new day, don’t skip meals, don’t do extra cardio, don’t starve yourself; just pick yourself up and get right back on track from the minute you wake up. Use the experience as a lesson to be as prepared as you can be with your meals for when you feel like this again. In any situation, identify the reason for falling off track, and then work out what you need to do differently moving forward to stay on track. And there you have it – everything you need to dive into your New Year’s Fitness Resolution head first! And while there is more than enough info here to ensure you are set up for success, if you are looking for more guidance, more accountability, and more support, be sure to register your interest for Season 11 of the MJ Challenge; our bi-annual transformation challenge, at the link below: Season 11 is scheduled to start January 2024 and it’s going to be our biggest challenge ever! In the meantime, join our exclusive MJ Fitness Facebook Group and feel free to ask any questions you may have and get immediate responses from the super supportive MJ community.

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Protein Water: Worth The Hype? - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Vince Lawrence

Protein Water: Worth The Hype?

Protein water has been making waves in the health and fitness industry as a new alternative to traditional protein supplements. Consumers are looking for convenient, healthy alternatives to traditional sugary drinks and are turning to protein water as a way to increase their daily protein intake. But is protein water worth all the hype? Let’s take a closer look. What Is It? Protein water is a type of functional beverage that contains a high concentration of protein, typically in the form of collagen protein. Collagen is a type of protein that is abundant in the body and helps to support healthy skin, joints, bones, and muscles. The most common sources of collagen protein used in protein water are bovine (beef) and fish. What Are The Benefits? The benefits of consuming protein water are numerous. Increasing daily protein intake through protein water can help to support muscle repair and growth, reduce muscle soreness, and improve satiety, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet. Additionally, protein water can be a convenient source of hydration and nutrition, especially for individuals who are on the go and may not have access to a meal. Protein water also has a refreshing taste and is easy to drink, making it a good alternative for people who aren’t the biggest fans of milky protein powders. Difference Between Protein Water & Protein Powder Protein water differs from protein powder in several ways. Protein powder is made up of whey protein, typically either whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate or a blend of the two. Whey protein is a by-product of cheese production and is commonly used as a supplement to increase daily protein intake. Protein water, on the other hand, is primarily made up of collagen protein, sometimes containing whey protein and is a functional beverage that is designed to be consumed as a standalone product or as a supplement to a balanced diet. Additionally, whey protein is often used by athletes and bodybuilders to support muscle growth and recovery, whereas protein water is marketed towards a wider audience looking for a convenient source of hydration and protein. Protein Water vs Protein Powder So, which one is better? This ultimately depends on individual needs and goals. In terms of muscle growth, protein powder remains the gold standard. This is due to the complete profile of all 9 essential amino acids in whey protein, which gives it a higher biological value and makes it more efficient in supporting muscle building compared to collagen. However, for individuals looking for the added benefits of skin, bone and joint health in collagen protein, along with a convenient source of hydration and nutrition, protein water may be the better choice. It is important to remember that both whey protein and collagen protein should be consumed as part of a balanced diet and should not be relied upon as a sole source of nutrition. More Research Needed It’s interesting to note that while the benefits of protein water are well-established, there is still limited scientific research available on the topic. Some studies have found that protein water can increase feelings of fullness and reduce food intake, while others have shown that it can have a positive impact on muscle growth and recovery. However, more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of consuming protein water. Verdict In conclusion, the hype around protein water is due to increased consumer interest in health and wellness, as well as a growing trend towards functional beverages. Protein water is a type of functional beverage that contains a high concentration of collagen protein, which is sourced from bovine or fish. The benefits of consuming protein water include increased protein intake, improved hydration, and skin, bone and joint health support. Protein water differs from whey protein in that it is marketed towards a wider audience and is designed to be consumed as a standalone product or as a supplement to a balanced diet. Overall, whether protein water is worth the hype depends on your specific needs and goals. If you’re looking for a convenient and refreshing way to get your daily dose of protein, protein water may be worth considering. But if building muscle is your main goal, traditional protein powder supplements are still the benchmark. 

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The Power Of Caffeine & Workout Performance - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Brandon Verde

The Power Of Caffeine & Workout Performance

Unlocking Workout Performance with Caffeine: A Comprehensive Guide Caffeine, the world's favourite stimulant, isn't just about giving you a boost of energy in the mornings - it's a potent enhancer for your workouts too. Let's dive into the science-backed benefits and best practices for leveraging caffeine's power for optimal workout performance. How Caffeine Boosts Your Workout: Caffeine's mechanism is simple yet effective. It blocks adenosine, a neurotransmitter responsible for signalling drowsiness. By doing so, caffeine amps up your alertness and grants a vital surge of energy. This makes it a game-changer for athletes aiming to maximise their performance both on the field and in the gym. Benefits of Caffeine on Physical Performance: Decreased Fatigue Perception: Feel less tired during your intense workouts. Increased Speed & Power Output: Push your limits and achieve higher performance levels. Enhanced Concentration & Coordination: Stay focused and coordinated for precise movements. Improved Reaction Time: React quicker to stimuli, crucial in fast-paced activities. Optimal Dosages for Performance: General Enhancement: Target 2-6mg/kg of body weight for an overall performance boost. Endurance Athletes: Towards the end of your workout, 1-3mg/kg can combat fatigue effectively. Strength & Power Sports: Opt for higher doses of 5-6mg/kg to enhance your strength and power output. Remember, everyone responds differently to caffeine. Experimentation is key to finding your sweet spot without experiencing jitters or unwanted side effects. Caffeine's Variety Across Beverages: Understanding caffeine content in different beverages can guide your intake: Green Tea: 30-80mg Black Coffee (Instant): 60-80mg Espresso (Single Shot): 80-110mg Pepsi Max: 70mg Energy Drinks: 160-300mg Pre-Workout: 200-400mg By choosing the right source and dosage of caffeine, you can harness its benefits to elevate your workouts. Whether it's a morning cup of coffee, an energy drink, or a pre-workout supplement, caffeine can be a powerful ally in achieving your fitness goals. So, sip smart and unlock your full workout potential with caffeine!

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The Science of Fucoxanthin: Explained - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Vince Lawrence

The Science of Fucoxanthin: Explained

1. What Is Fucoxanthin? Fucoxanthin is a type of carotenoid, which is a class of antioxidant compounds found in certain green superfoods, such as seaweed. It is responsible for the brown or yellow colour of these foods. 2. What Does Fucoxanthin Do? One of the key benefits is its ability to help with weight loss. It works by storing itself inside fat cells and preventing the storage of fat over time, which can lead to a reduction in body fat. In addition, it has been shown to increase Resting Energy Expenditure (REE), which is the amount of energy the body uses at rest. In a study using 2.4 mg of fucoxanthin, there was an approximate 800KJ increase in REE, while a dose of 8 mg showed a 1900KJ increase compared to baseline. In addition to its weight loss effects, it has also been shown to have a number of other potential health benefits. This comes from its antioxidant properties and is likely to have, anti-inflammatory effects, as well as protective effects on cardiovascular health. Tap here to read the full article 3. How Much Do I Need To Take? When it comes to how much you should take, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the right dose for you.  The recommended daily dose of Fucoxanthin is typically between 2.4 mg and 8 mg, taken in divided doses throughout the day. 4. When Do I Take It? As for when to take Fucoxanthin, it is usually recommended to take it with meals. This can help to improve its absorption and ensure that you are getting the most out of the supplement. Some products containing Fucoxanthin such as 1st Phorm L-Carnitine with Fucoxanthin do suggest taking it on an empty stomach before exercise or first thing in the morning. It is also important to drink plenty of water while taking Fucoxanthin. 5. How Long Does It Take To Work? In terms of how long it takes to work, the answer will vary depending on a number of factors, including the individual’s unique metabolism and the amount of Fucoxanthin they are taking. In general, however, it is typically recommended to give Fucoxanthin at least a few weeks to start showing results. Some people may see improvements in as little as a few days, while others may need to take the supplement for several weeks or even months before experiencing its full effects. It is important to note that Fucoxanthin supplements should be taken in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise to maximise results.

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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Creatine Supplement - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Vince Lawrence

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Creatine Supplement

Are you looking to take your fitness game to the next level? If so, you may have heard about the benefits of creatine supplements. Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that is found in small amounts in foods like meat and fish. It plays a crucial role in providing energy to your muscles during high intensity workouts. But with so many options on the market, how do you choose the best creatine supplement for your needs? This ultimate guide will help you make an informed decision and take your fitness journey to new heights. What is Creatine? Before we dive into the world of creatine supplements, let's first understand what creatine is. Creatine is a compound that is naturally produced in the body and stored in the muscles. It is involved in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary source of energy for muscle contractions. By supplementing with creatine, you can increase the amount of creatine stored in your muscles, leading to improved athletic performance and muscle growth. Monohydrate vs. Hydrochloride: Which is Better? When it comes to choosing a creatine supplement, you'll often come across two popular forms: monohydrate and hydrochloride. Monohydrate is the most widely studied and commonly used form of creatine. It is highly effective, affordable, and has a proven track record of delivering results. On the other hand, hydrochloride is a newer form of creatine that claims to offer better absorption and reduced side effects. While hydrochloride may have some advantages, there is limited research to support these claims. Ultimately, the choice between monohydrate and hydrochloride comes down to personal preference and budget. Factors to Consider When choosing a creatine supplement, there are several factors to consider: 1. Purity: Look for a creatine supplement that is pure and free from any fillers or additives. The purer the creatine, the better the results. 2. Quality: Opt for a reputable brand that has a good track record and positive customer reviews. Quality matters when it comes to supplements. 3. Form: Creatine supplements come in various forms, including powder, capsules, and liquids. Choose a form that is convenient and easy for you to consume. 4. Price: While price shouldn't be the sole determining factor, it's important to consider your budget. Look for a creatine supplement that offers good value for money. Conclusion Choosing the best creatine supplement doesn't have to be a daunting task. By considering factors such as purity, quality, form, and price, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your fitness goals. Remember, creatine supplements are not magic pills, but they can certainly enhance your performance and help you reach your fitness goals faster. So, do your research, consult with a healthcare professional if needed, and get ready to take your workouts to the next level with the best creatine supplement for you!

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The Ultimate Guide to GBB (Gamma-Butyrobetaine) Supplementation - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Vince Lawrence

The Ultimate Guide to GBB (Gamma-Butyrobetaine) Supplementation

1. What Is It? Gamma-Butyrobetaine, or GBB for short, is a naturally occurring molecule that can go by many names. Gamma-Butyrobetaine ethyl ester HCl, Gamma-Butyrobetaine Hydrochloride, 4-trimethylaminobutyrate & deoxy-carnitine are all names for the same molecule we know as GBB. GBB is referred to as being a Pro-Carnitine molecule as our body actually converts GBB into L-Carnitine when producing L-Carnitine naturally. 2. What Does It Do? As we just mentioned, GBB is referred to as being a Pro-Carnitine molecule. In the body, we synthesise L-Carnitine all throughout the day with this process elevating in production of L-Carnitine during training and exercise. GBB is the molecule we convert into L-Carnitine with help from the enzyme Gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase, or GBD for short, not to make things confusing. Think of GBB and L-Carnitine having to be in balance in the body because they actually do. If we supplement with GBB and increase our GBB levels, it will push the body to create more L-Carnitine to reach balance again. Alternatively, if we increase our L-Carnitine stores it will push the body to breakdown L-Carnitine into GBB to achieve that balance. I know what you’re thinking, supplementing with just L-Carnitine isn’t sounding very effective anymore. L-Carnitine supplementation is still extremely beneficial for the body. Especially when supplementing with forms like Acetyl L-Carnitine due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and assist with mental cognition. L-Carnitine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning we don’t need to get it from the diet, that is responsible for the transport of fatty acids around the body to then be used as energy. Which is why the synthesis of L-Carnitine is ramped up while we train as we try to convert more fatty acids into energy. The fatty acids are transported around the body, into our mitochondria, where they lose the L-Carnitine and are converted into ATP through beta-oxidation. Back to the relationship between GBB and L-Carnitine. As we mentioned, there is a balance between these two that the body is constantly trying to maintain. This is where GBB supplementation can really show its strength. By pushing the balance in favour of the body producing more L-Carnitine, we will increase L-Carnitine levels both through natural synthesis from GBB and also from additional L-Carnitine supplementation (if the product formula contains L-Carnitine) providing us with more L-Carnitine to help transport more fatty acids into energy. Meanwhile, the body isn’t even considering breaking down any L-Carnitine back into GBB because we increased the bodies levels. Is that all GBB can do? Not quite… Increases in Nitric Oxide Levels GBB can potentially increase our bodies nitric oxide levels. We say potentially because there haven’t been enough studies to fully understand the mechanism(s) in action to cause the results studied. Studies looking into the effects of Mildronate (the Latvian performance-enhancing drug that Sharapova got busted for using back in 2016) paired it with GBB. The studies found that Mildronate alone had no effect on Nitric Oxide (NO) levels, whereas, GBB saw considerable increases in NO levels. The interesting part was Mildronate enhanced the NO increasing benefits of GBB to result in even greater NO increases. Increased NO levels will result in increased blood flow which can bring a number of benefits such as increasing oxygen delivery around the body, improved recovery and enhanced athletic endurance ability. Thermogenic Effect of GBB Another, not fully understood, effect of GBB is its thermogenic effect. We have experienced this effect personally across a number of formulas containing both other thermogenic ingredients and no other thermogenic ingredients. One ‘supplement guru’ has the theory that the chemical reaction of GBB into L-Carnitine is exothermic, meaning it releases heat, and this reaction causes the thermogenic effect in the body. We aren’t saying that’s right or wrong, we just know there is a thermogenic effect, especially from higher doses, when supplementing with GBB. 3. How Much Do I Need To Take? Studies have looked at the tolerance and safety of GBB in dosages of 40 - 75 mg PER KILOGRAM of weight, that’s 7.5 grams for a 100kg person! At this ridiculously high dose subjects did experience some uncomfortable effects… as you would imagine. The good news is dosages of 50 mg per day of GBB have been shown to be highly effective in increasing L-Carnitine levels in the body. Serving sizes of 20 - 25 mg being consumed twice a day or larger serves of 40 - 50 mg taken once a day seems to be what the industry is leaning towards. This makes it very appealing for supplement manufacturers to use, either alongside or in place of L-Carnitine. The very small serving size makes GBB a very powerful ingredient. 4. When Do I Take It? GBB will be typically seen in fat burner supplements. Due to the enhancing benefits of L-Carnitine and L-Carnitine being a key player in the fat loss supplementation world. Taking GBB or formulas that contain GBB before cardio based training will be best to capitalise on the effects of fat loss. Consistent supplementation will yield the best results as they do require some time to accumulate. 5. How Long Does It Take To Work? One study found serum levels of L-Carnitine to almost double after 20 days of consistent supplementation with GBB. Increases in L-Carnitine levels were seen after only a few days of supplementation with GBB. We personally have experienced the thermogenic effects of GBB from the first use. As for experiencing the increased levels of L-Carnitine, it is hard for us to say on personal experience as it’s not quite something you can ‘feel’. From the studies, we are confident to say full effects of GBB supplementation can be reached within the first month of consistent supplementation.

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Turkesterone: Everything you need to know! - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Vince Lawrence

Turkesterone: Everything you need to know!

What Is It? Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid. Ecdysteroids are steroid hormones that are commonly found in arthropods and insects, but may also be found in certain plant species. Turkesterone is primarily derived from the Ajuga plant but can also be extracted from various other plant species most commonly found on the African continent. What Does It Do? There have only been a handful of studies conducted on Turkesterone thus far, however the results have been encouraging. These studies have indicated that Turkesterone may help promote lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, improve protein synthesis, aid muscle hypertrophy & increase strength. These effects imply that Turkesterone may act as an agonist for receptors that elicit anabolic and adaptogenic responses, while the potential lipid and carbohydrate metabolising effects may assist with fat loss and maintaining a healthy body composition. However, it must be noted that these initial studies were conducted on animals only, not humans. Whether the full spectrum of effects experienced by animals will also be experienced by humans is yet to be determined. For further reading, visit the links below: The ecdysone inducible gene expression system: unexpected effects of muristerone A and ponasterone A on cytokine signaling in mammalian cells. Phytoecdysteroids: understanding their anabolic activity How Much Do I Need To Take? The effective dose of Turkesterone for humans is uncertain. However, an initial human study showed that athletes who consumed 800mg of Turkesterone per day for a total of 10 weeks reported an increase in muscle hypertrophy & strength, gaining an average of 3.2kg of lean muscle mass over the 10 week period ( Most supplement brands currently marketing Turkesterone are recommending a daily dose between 500mg - 1000mg per day. Due to the lack of scientific consensus on the recommended dosage, it is advised to err on the side of caution and stick to a dose of approximately 10mg of Turkesterone per kilogram of lean body weight per day. When Do I Take It? The dose timing of Turkesterone for humans is uncertain. There is currently no research that favours any specific dosing protocol, while the above-mentioned human study does not specify the number, the size or the timing of doses. Most supplement brands currently marketing Turkesterone recommend splitting a full daily intake into 2 separate doses per day. It is therefore recommended to consistently adhere to the guideline of consuming approximately 10mg of Turkesterone per kilogram of lean body weight per day, ideally at the same time of day, everyday. How Long Does It Take To Work? Most studies conducted on the effects of Turkesterone support medium to long term results over periods of weeks to months of consistent use. However, anecdotally, users of Turkesterone have reported experiencing significant effects within days. Most users of Turkesterone should expect to experience results within 2 - 4 weeks.

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Unlocking the Potent Powers of Tongkat Ali - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Brandon Verde

Unlocking the Potent Powers of Tongkat Ali

In the heart of the lush forests of Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia lies a remarkable plant known as Tongkat Ali. With its roots deeply embedded in traditional medicine, this botanical marvel has been revered for centuries for its diverse array of health benefits, ranging from boosting libido to enhancing athletic performance. What is Tongkat Ali? Tongkat Ali, scientifically termed Eurycoma longifolia, emerges from the roots of a green shrub tree native to Southeast Asia. Its rich history in traditional medicine spans across Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, where it has been used to combat various ailments, from fevers to male infertility and even erectile dysfunction. The plant teems with compounds like flavonoids and alkaloids, acting as potent antioxidants, combating cellular damage caused by free radicals. Unveiling the Benefits: Tongkat Ali's prowess extends far and wide, offering a plethora of health benefits supported by both traditional wisdom and emerging scientific research. 1. Boosting Testosterone & Libido: A decline in testosterone levels with age can lead to a myriad of issues, from decreased libido to fatigue. Tongkat Ali steps in as a natural solution, revered for its ability to restore testosterone levels, reigniting passion and vitality. Studies have showcased its efficacy in enhancing sexual health in both men and women, offering relief from hormonal imbalances and menopausal symptoms. 2. Enhancing Fertility: Amidst growing concerns over declining male fertility, Tongkat Ali emerges as a promising ally. Research suggests that it can improve sperm health, increasing motility and concentration, thus enhancing male fertility factors. 3. Improving Body Composition: For fitness enthusiasts seeking to amplify their workout routines, Tongkat Ali proves to be a valuable companion. Its compounds, including quassinoids, bolster energy utilisation, combat fatigue, and promote muscle growth, culminating in enhanced physical performance and improved body composition. 4. Stress Reduction & Mood Enhancement: In the midst of our modern-day stressors, Tongkat Ali emerges as a beacon of relief. Studies indicate its ability to regulate stress hormones, alleviating feelings of tension and irritability, and fostering an uplifted mood and overall well-being. 5. Holistic Health Benefits: Beyond its primary benefits, Tongkat Ali harbors a treasure trove of additional perks. With antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it holds potential in lowering blood sugar levels, combating male osteoporosis, and even regulating hormones in women, addressing issues like low libido and fatigue. How to Incorporate Tongkat Ali: In a world inundated with synthetic medications, Tongkat Ali stands as a testament to the enduring power of nature. Whether in the form of herbal supplements or traditional decoctions, integrating Tongkat Ali into your wellness routine may offer a natural and effective solution to an array of health concerns. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any supplementation regimen, especially for those with existing medical conditions or undergoing treatment. Embrace Nature's Bounty: As we navigate the complexities of modern living, Tongkat Ali beckons us back to our roots, offering a holistic approach to health and vitality. With its potent blend of tradition and science, this Southeast Asian wonder reminds us that sometimes, the most profound solutions have been within reach all along, waiting to be rediscovered amidst the verdant landscapes of nature.

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Your Pre-Workout Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Pre-Workout Guide - MJ Fitness

Supplement Articles – by Brandon Verde

Your Pre-Workout Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Pre-Workout Guide

When it comes to optimising your workout performance, pre-workout supplements can be a game-changer. But they're not just about caffeine and stimulants; a well-formulated pre-workout can enhance various aspects of your workout experience. Let's dive deeper into the main effects and ingredients to look for in a quality pre-workout supplement. Muscle Pumps & Blood Flow One of the key benefits of a good pre-workout is its ability to enhance blood flow and promote muscle pumps. This isn't just about aesthetics; improved blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients delivered to your muscles, optimising performance and aiding in recovery. Ingredients like Citrulline, Nitrates, Agmatine, and Glycerol are known for their vasodilatory effects, promoting better circulation and muscle fullness during workouts. Muscular Endurance Muscular endurance is vital for pushing through fatigue and sustaining performance during longer workouts. Beta-Alanine is a popular ingredient known for buffering lactic acid buildup, reducing muscle fatigue, and extending endurance. If you're sensitive to the tingling sensation sometimes associated with Beta-Alanine, alternatives like PeakO2 and Taurine can still enhance oxygen utilisation and support hydration, helping you maintain intensity throughout your training session. Muscle Power To increase muscle power and strength, your pre-workout should include ingredients like Creatine or Betaine. Creatine is well-researched for its ability to boost ATP production, providing cellular energy for intense workouts and improving muscle contractility. Betaine complements Creatine by further enhancing power output, making it easier to lift heavier weights and stimulate muscle growth. Mental Focus & Mood A sharp mental focus and positive mood can make a significant difference in your training sessions. Look for ingredients like Alpha GPC, Choline, and Huperzine A, which support cognitive function and mental clarity, keeping you focused and alert during workouts. Additionally, L-Tyrosine promotes mood elevation, helping you maintain a positive mindset for optimal performance throughout your sessions. Energy While energy is a crucial aspect of pre-workout supplements, it's just one piece of the puzzle. The right stimulants, such as Caffeine, Theacrine, English Walnut, and Synephrine, can provide an energy boost and enhance alertness. However, a comprehensive pre-workout considers various aspects beyond energy for a well-rounded workout experience. Choosing The Ultimate Pre-Workout When selecting a pre-workout supplement, consider your specific goals and preferences. Since each pre-workout can vary in its effects and feel, it often involves some trial and error to find the perfect match for your needs. Look for a formula that aligns with your fitness goals and provides a balanced blend of ingredients for optimal performance and results.

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