MJ Fitness Challenge Season 11

Registration is now open for Season 11 of the MJ Fitness Challenge is now closed.

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How do I register & enter the Challenge?

Registrations are currently closed for the MJ Fitness Challenge.

How much does it cost to register for the Challenge & what do I receive?

The early bird registration fee is $150 and will run until Sunday January, 14. The registration fee will then increase to $200 until registration closes on Sunday January 28. As part of your registration you will receive access to the Exclusive MJ Challenge App. Your access will cover the registration period & 10 weeks of the challenge.

All participants also receive a Challenge Starter Pack, which includes over $100 worth of merchandise, updates to your Meal Plan & Workout Program at the halfway point of the Challenge, access to our exclusive MJ Fitness Challenge Facebook Group, access to exclusive MJ Fitness Challenge Webinars, and ongoing support throughout the challenge.

What’s in the Challenge Starter Pack?

There are two parts to the Challenge Starter Pack

  • Physical: This will be sent to your physical address within the first 2 weeks of the Challenge and will include your exclusive MJ Fitness Challenge Tee, a TMJ Apparel TMJorade Towel, a MJ Fill & Go Funnel, a MJ Body Fat Caliper, and some assorted supplement samples from your Supplement Plan, worth over $100 in total.
  • Digital: All Digital assets are now provided through the MJ Challenge App.

What we need to know & why!

Challenger’s Full Name – So we know who you are.

Challenger’s Email – So we can send through your Digital Challenge Starter Pack.

Age – To assist us in creating your customised Meal Plan.

Shirt Size – So we can send you the right size exclusive MJ Fitness Challenge Tee.

Gender – To assist us in creating your customised Meal Plan, Workout Program and Supplement Plan.

Primary Goal – To assist us in creating your customised Meal Plan, Cardio Program and Supplement Plan.

Plant-Based – We offer a plant-based diet plan for those following a plant-based and/or vegan diet. Please specify whether you would or would not like the Plant-Based Meal Plan when entering your details.

Current Weight In Kilograms – To assist us in creating your customised Meal Plan (please weigh yourself first thing in the morning upon waking, after going to toilet, but before eating breakfast).

Height In Centimetres – To assist us in creating your customised Meal Plan.

Number Of Weight Training Days Per Week – To assist us in creating your Workout Program. Please select the number of days you will be able to workout with weights consistently each and every week during the Challenge.

Facebook Profile Link – So we can invite you to join our exclusive MJ Fitness Challenge Facebook Group.

On your computer – open your Facebook profile in a browser window, copy the web address link and paste it into the answer box.

On your phone – open the Facebook App, go to your profile, click the ‘…’ button below your profile picture, click ‘Copy Link’, and paste the link in the answer box.

Pre-Challenge Photos – To assist us in creating your customised Meal Plan. These photos WILL NOT be shared with anyone other than the MJ Fitness Challenge Team. These are not your official ‘Week 1’ photos for the Challenge.

How are the Challenge Champions selected and what prizes are up for grabs?

There will be 4 Challenge Champions selected at the end of the Challenge. They will each receive a Major Prize Pack valued at over AUD$3,000. For full details on how the Challenge Champions are selected and the Major Prize Packs click here.

Unsure about joining us for the Challenge?

Listen to the Fitness x Business Podcast with our 2022 challenge champions.

Photo Guide

Why Are Progress Photos So Important?

Progress photos provide the kind of insight that no other method of measurement can. Weight, body measurements and even body scans are fantastic methods of establishing starting points and tracking progress but being able to visually see your body structure allows us to provide the most accurate and tailored program to suit you as an individual.

A perfect example of why photos are so vital is when someone shows minimal changes in weight throughout the Challenge but their before and after photos are completely different. This is because it is possible to reduce body fat AND build muscle over the course of the Challenge, therefore, physical weight may not change substantially but body composition and shape will.

What Do My Photos Need To Show?

All photos must show your entire body from head to toe.

When Should I Take My Photos?

We want you to be consistent with the time of day your photos are taken. Photos taken first thing in the morning after waking and before eating or exercising are ideal.

What Should I Wear For My Photos?

For Men: Shorts, briefs or underpants with no shirt on.
For Women: Bikini or crop top and shorts.

How Many Photos Do I Need To Take?

We need you to take 3 photos in 3 different body positions:

  1. Facing front on to the camera.
  2. Facing side on to the camera (either facing left or right) with your arms by your side.
  3. Facing away from the camera showing your back.

    Remember that all photos must show your entire body from head to toe.

What Pose Should I Hold While Taking My Photos?

You should have a relaxed pose in each photo, with:

  1. Your feet approximately shoulder width apart
  2. Your arms hanging by your sides
  3. Your hands relaxed
  4. No flexing

Things To Take Note Of

1. The Height Of The Camera

  • If you have someone taking photos for you, take note of the height that they take your photos at so that they can be replicated.
  • If you are taking photos yourself, take note of, or take a photo of the setup/position where the camera will be placed so it can be replicated.

2. The Distance From The Camera To You

  • You will need to note how far away you are standing from the camera. Use either a tape measure or an approximate number of steps. This will ensure your photos can be replicated.

3. The Lighting In The Room

  • Lighting can play a major part in progress photos. We suggest taking your photos in an artificially lit room so that you can ensure the lighting is consistent throughout the Challenge. We suggest closing the blinds/curtains in the room to remove the natural light and taking note of which lights you have on for your photos.
  • Alternatively, if you choose to use natural lighting (having a window open) please ensure you take note of the time of day that your photos are taken so that you can replicate the conditions.

4. Position In The Room

  • It is essential to take note of the position in the room that you are taking your photos as shadows can be cast differently by changing your position. Make note of where you stand. Also, make note of where the camera or camera person is positioned to ensure your photos can be replicated.

Terms & Conditions

What Goals Does The Challenge Support?

The Challenge has been carefully created to support an improvement in body composition for both men & women. As such, you can choose your primary goal as either “Build Muscle” or “Lose Fat”

How Much Does It Cost To Register For The Challenge?

Early Bird Registration is AUD$150 and closes midnight Sunday January, 14, 2024. From January 15, 2024 the standard registration fee of AUD$200 will apply until registrations close on Sunday, January 28, 2024.

What Do I Receive As A Challenge Participant?

You will receive access to the MJ Challenge App, Diet Plan, a customised Meal Plan, a Workout Program, a Cardio Program, a Supplement Plan and a Motivational Guide which are all carefully created by Team MJ Fitness to support your primary goal (no cookie cutter plans here!). Your Meal Plan & Workout Program will also be updated halfway through the challenge to account for your progress.

You will also receive over $100 worth of merchandise, including an exclusive MJ Fitness Challenge Tee, TMJ Apparel TMJorade Towel, a MJ Fill & Go Funnel, a MJ Body Fat Calliper, and some assorted supplement samples from your Supplement Plan.

You will also be invited to the exclusive MJ Fitness Challenge Facebook Group, which will give you real-time access to Team MJ Fitness for any questions you may have as you progress throughout the Challenge.

But that’s not it! You will also receive access to the exclusive MJ Fitness Challenge Webinars, which will be held throughout the challenge.

All of this for just AUD$199.95! That’s less than a coffee a day for the 10 weeks of the Challenge.

When Do I Receive My Challenge Starter Pack?

You will receive all of your digital assets on or before February 2, 2024, 3 days before the Challenge begins. We hope to have all physical assets dispatched within the first 2 weeks of the Challenge.

Can I Participate If I Don’t Live In Australia?

Yes! The Challenge is open to everybody worldwide!

Challenge Champions & Major Prize Packs:

There will be 4 Challenge Champions who will each receive a Major Prize Pack.

There will be a Challenge Champion for each of the Challenge categories as follows:

  • Male Build Muscle
  • Male Lose Fat
  • Female Build Muscle
  • Female Lose Fat

Each Challenge Champion will receive a Major Prize Pack comprising:

  • AUD$500 MJ Fitness Gift Card
  • AUD$500 TMJ Apparel Wardrobe
  • Free entry into Season 12 of the MJ Challenge
  • Return flights to Adelaide, South Australia*
  • One night’s accommodation in Adelaide, South Australia*
  • Exclusive invite to the Annual MJ Experience event; including a tour of MJHQ, a workout with members of Team MJ, and a celebratory dinner with members of Team MJ*

*Only available for Australian residents. Flights & accomodation will be organised at the time of the MJ Experience.

How Are The Challenge Champions Selected?

Challenge Champions will be selected by a combination of public vote & Team MJ Fitness vote .

All participants who successfully complete all 10 weeks of the Challenge and provide eligible Week 1 and Week 10 photos will be in the running to be crowned Challenge Champion.

All eligible participants’ photos will be uploaded to the MJ Challenge Web App where the public will be encouraged to vote on who they think should win.

The voting period will begin within 2 weeks of the Challenge ending.

Will My Photos Be Shared Publicly?

NO! We will not share your photos publicly without first gaining your permission. You have the option to participate in the Challenge and NOT be in the running for the Major Prize Packs, in which case your photos will not be shared publicly. You will be asked upon submission of your Week 10 photos whether or not you want to be in the running to be crowned Challenge Champion and whether you grant permission for your photos to be made available for public voting.

Have Any Other Questions That You Need Answered?

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