Detoxes: Biggest B.S in the Fitness Industry - MJ Fitness

Detoxes: Biggest B.S in the Fitness Industry

If you’ve ever been in the fitness industry, tried to lose weight or just been scrolling through social media, you’ve heard the word “Detox’. Herbal teas, juice cleanses, supplements and even some weird looking foot pads claim to help you rid your body of toxins, revive your liver, and make you feel 110%. The truth is detoxes are nothing more than a marketing gimmick, preying on insecurities, and science can back this up. 

Your Body Is Already A Detox Machine

Let’s start off by getting one thing straight: Your body is already detoxing your body 24/7. Your liver, lungs, kidneys and even skin are working constantly to filter harmful substances and eliminate waste in your body. Unless you have a medical condition, they don’t need any help. No juice, tea, powder or weird foot pad can make your liver work any faster or any better. The extreme detox protocols can even put more stress on these organs rather than help.

Well, What Are “Toxins” Anyway?

You’ve probably asked that question and gotten a vague answer. That’s because these claims are intentionally vague. These “toxins” can range from pollution in your environment, to alcohol, to processed sugar. Too much of these can be harmful, sure, but there’s no evidence that fasting drinking nothing but celery juice will magically cure you from any of these “toxins". It’s been shown that these detoxes can actually cause more harm than good. Severely restricting calories and nutrients can lead to more issues like fatigue and even muscle loss. Just what these detoxes claim to “cure” funnily enough.

Detox = Burn Fat Fast? 

If you ask anyone that’s trying a detox why they’re doing it, they’ll say it’s to lose weight fast. Sure, you’ll drop a kilo or two during a cleanse, but that’ll just be water weight and depleting glycogen from your muscles, not fat loss. As soon as you go back to the food that you were eating before, you’ll put it all back on. Even worse, if you take detoxing to the extreme, you can even slow your metabolism, making it harder for weight loss in the future.

“Feeling Better” Science

If you come across someone marketing a detox, they’ll often promise clear skin, more energy and better digestion. Here’s the thing, it’s not the detox that does that, it comes from cutting out alcohol, processed foods and excess sugar during the detox period. You don’t need the lemon water to reap the benefits. Eating nutrient rich, whole foods will do the trick just the same.

Detox Danger

Detoxes are usually passed off as harmless scams, but some can actually be really dangerous. Unregulated supplements, extreme fasting and colon cleanses, yes you read that correctly, can lead to dehydration, imbalances in your electrolytes and can even damage your organs. “Flushing out” your system can cause people to stress about perfectly normal bodily functions, leading to people to try unhealthy behaviours.

The Bottom Line

Detoxes are the biggest myth in fitness and wellness, designed to capitalize on quick fixes and instant results. Your body doesn’t need them and they certainly don’t deliver on their promises. Instead of wasting money on overpriced cleanses and gimmicks, focus on the fundamentals. Balanced diet, hydration, exercise and sleep and never super glamorous, but they work. The icing on the cake is that it’s backed by science. Don’t let clever marketing lead you astray, your liver is doing just fine without the bottle of green juice.

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